Ice is cold. Cold as in? When referring to someone, cold will be define as unfriendly, hard to approach and no emotions. I'm ice. I'm cold. Someone told me, I'm like that. Deep in my heart, I admit it. Though most of the times I feel very warm. I feel like sun rays all over me when I'm around someone I love. Someone that can make me smile. Maybe, the way I express it make most of them confuse. I never tell how much they mean to me. I rarely call or even text. But I always make sure that I'll be there when they need me. I'm sorry for everything. Now I'm being selfish. I had to be selfish. I need this time to myself. I can't be there for you this time. I'm cold. I'm warm. I like both. Can I say that I'm both? But now, I'm cold.
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