I thought that only my passion to read is getting worse, now I even don't have any interes t in watching tv series. HA-HA-HA.. Not funny, actually. It actually one of the way for me to escape from anything. Yeah, I mean reality.. Out of five tv series that I fave so much before, I can only watch The Vampire Diaries and sadly it wasn't because of Damon and Elena anymore, it is because of Klaus and Caroline (Klaroline). Hah, I even know what the fan called them. And actually I just one step from becoming a stalker to Joseph Morgan.. I cannot live with one tv series. Waiting for one episode for one week? And sometimes it even have to reschedule? No.. No... So, I decided to get hook on other TV series. In the journey to find the other addicted tv show I stumble with few. Some are good, some are not.. So, let's review together.. 1. Elementary . Well, frankly speaking, I always fascinate with Sherlock Holmes. How he ...
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