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After awhile looking for another worth-watching and download TV Series
after Prison Break, 
I tried to watched Dexter.
It is interesting.
I just not did not fit to watching murder drama.
Although in this drama it is not as bad as I make it sound.

For my defense, I could not even watch Saw.
My finger automatically click the X button at the upper-right just after 10 second of the opening.
I do not know since when.
One year ago, I still watching the Final Destination's and Wrong Turn's movies
without any problem.

Well, after looking for a while from my favorite downloading blog,
I wanted to give a try to this drama series.
The title itself make me curious.
A new one.
Is it like a vampire's story?


The main character of this movie Shawn Spencer (James Rowdy- green shirt) and his parter Guster Burton (Dule Hill) were the most interesting partner ever. They were best friend but having an entirely different life. Guster is successfull in life with a stable job while Shawn were depend his life on the reward money from helping the police department to find a criminal by watching the news from TV. 

Shawn had the ability in looking for every small details that others may missed. However, the head detective of Santa Barbara Police Department (SBPD), Carlton Lassiter did not easily believe in him and accused him as the partner of the criminal. Shawn Spencer knows that they will never believe what he will say, so he said that he was Psychic. It was hard for them to believe, but he pretend to 'sense' the cops based on the small details that happened to be in their body or their body language. 

Interest with him ability, the interim-chif (at the moment, now a chief), Vic wanted him in a case. He persuaded Guster to came along as it is their childhood dream to do action together. And they managed to solved the case and from the day onwards, they were solving cases for SBPD and open a private investigation office named PSYCH.

The story is really different from any other drama series that I had watched.
Shawn and Guster have a special bonding and they like to do all the childish stuff, arguing about film and the movie stars, and doing jokes in the middle of intense.
Honestly, at first I only think that this series can survive with the Shawn Spencer role only, but after 5 season, I realised that without Guster Burton, Shawn was totally messed up.

For those who love investigation drama like CSI, Criminal Minds, Bonnes and even Conan,
feel free to watch this drama series.
It is really light, funny but also does not lack in anything in terms of criminal investigation.

Do you notice the song theme for any other drama series?
If I happened to watch the drama in terms of season-marathon, I usually will skip the song theme.
But not this drama series. The song is really cool.
They even modify the song based on the series.
For example, for Christmas series, they sang the song based on Christmas melody, and it also goes for Bollywood, Spanish and etc.

For those who did not like drama series, it is cool.
It is not a continuous drama series, just like CSI.


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