Does anyone know who Matt Bomer is?
Anyone? =)
Since all the tv series that I currently hooked on approaching the finale,
I took an initiative to find another tv series.
And one of my download site reupload White Collar for full season 2.
So I searched a little bit about the series and decided to try the tv shows.
Well, when you watch a lot of criminal shows,
it's hard to find another one that make you fall for it and wanting for more.
Though, luckily for this tv series, it had Mat Bomer as the attraction.
Who wouldn't fall for the the pretty face, right?
And as much pretty as the face,
there's also a not pretty story about the actor.
Just let me state this.
We are clearly out of the league.
Well, anyone will say,
"I knew it,"
But actually we didn't know it as long as it confirmed.
So, as far for the tv series, White Collar, it have interesting story line.
A criminal working with the FBI to catch a bad guy,
and sometimes cannot resist the temptation of the old habit.
Their relationship is quite interesting.
Reminds me a little bit of Psych (Shawn and Gus),
but of course in a mature version.
I think the character I like the most in this series is Mozzie.
Though, I admit that Mozzie couldn't live alone without Neal Caffrey (Matt Bomer).
The interesting thing about Mozzie is he like a sidekick for Batman.
You know how Batman always travel in style with fancy car,
and his butler, Alfred actually is the one who provide all those thing.
I actually cannot wait to watch the season 3 as the end of season 2 is hanging with few questions.
Until the next entry.
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